Licence No. DCC/ALA/077887
(Durham country council)
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Come look around our reptile shop in Durham!

Visit our specialty pet store in Durham for snakes, lizards and tortoises and all your reptile food and enclosure needs. Our dedicated staff will help you choose the right reptile for you and ensure you have all you need to look after your new, cold-blooded companion. We carry an extensive range of reptile pet food, vivariums and general pet supplies.

Our history with snakes

Trust Seaham Pets, Gardens and Reptiles to provide you with the best quality reptile pets. We are a family-run business with a real passion for exotic pets and have always owned snakes. Just ask our boys! As children they thought owning snakes was normal. We've been breeding snakes at home and we still do, many royal pythons that we have in our shop came from our home.
Owning a reptile offers a fantastic opportunity to keep a truly unique animal as a pet. You can create the perfect enclosure in your home  that will keep your pets happy so that you can enjoy them for years to come. We offer expert advice to help you look after your pet, ensuring it's proper care and optimum health. Visit us for enclosures, vivarium, live, frozen or fresh food and equipment to help you build the ideal home for your reptile.
We stock a full range of live and frozen food for all you reptiles needs.
You can find our most up to date animal availability list on Facebook.
(Royal Pythons) 
Male๐Ÿšน Female๐Ÿšบ
(Produced by us)

CB17 Mojave pewter ๐Ÿšน £100.00
CB21 enchi GHI ๐Ÿšน £120.00
CB21 Pastel enchi ghi ๐Ÿšบ £200.00 
CB22 pastel clown ๐Ÿšน £180.00 
CB22 pastel enchi ๐Ÿšน £100.00
CB23 mojave cinnamon ๐Ÿšบ £100
CB23 Pastel GHI ๐Ÿšน £100.00
CB23 special GHI 50% het ghost ๐Ÿšน £129.99
CB23 black Pastel vanilla ๐Ÿšบ £80.00
CB23 mojave black Pastel ๐Ÿšน £100.00
CB23 pewter mojave ๐Ÿšน £125.00
CB23 mojave fire ๐Ÿšน £100.00
CB23 Clown ๐Ÿšบ £175.00
CB23 enchi pied ๐Ÿšน £180.00
CB23 pastel enchi pied ๐Ÿšน £200.00 each
CB24 chocolate enchi pastel 100% het clown ๐Ÿšบ £150.00
CB24 chocolate butter 100% het clown ๐Ÿšบ £200.00
CB24 banana butter chocolate 100% het clown ๐Ÿšน £200 -on hold-

(produced by others)

CB21 spotnose lesser leopard ๐Ÿšน £200
(50% poss het pied) 


(Corn snake’s)

CB23 snow £60.00 each - sold- 
CB23 Hypo lavender motley £65.00 each 
CB23 carolina £40.00 each
CB23 Hypo lavender £55.00 each 
CB23 Sunkissed £60.00
CB23 hypo lavender £55.00 each
CB23 motley £50.00 each 
CB23 amel £50.00
CB23 kastanie £50. 00
CB23 snow tessera £85.00 each
CB23 amel tessera
CB23 Anery tessera
CB23 Anery caramel 

Hypo tri colour Honduran โ™‚๏ธ £160.00 
Tangerine Honduran £150.00
Hypo Tangerine Honduran โ™‚๏ธ £160.00
Albino Honduran £200.00

(sand boas)
Males and females available

CB22 Kenyan (100% het anery & albino) £65.00 each - all sold-
Albino Kenyan (100% het anery) £90.00 - sold-
Anery Kenyan (100% het albino) £90.00 each 
Striped sand boa (100% het albino and anery) 
£100.00 each. 

(Western Hognoses) 

Males £69.99 - all sold-
Females £69.99 -all sold-
Het albino Male £69.99 -all sold-
Het albino Female £69.99 -all sold-
 Male Anaconda £89.99 each -all sold-
Anaconda Het albino £99.99 -all sold-


CB Hermann’s £149.99 each
CB horsfiled’s £110.00 (Currently unavailable) 
CB Spur thighed £149.99 each (sold)
CB marginated £139.99 each (sold)
CB 17 Red foot tortoise £159.99 (sold)
Leopard (sold)
Sulcata (sold)


CB23 bearded dragons £100.00 
CB23 Dunner bearded dragon £120.00
CB23 Rankins dragon £125.00
CB23 Leopard geckos £60.00 each
CB23 albino leopard gecko
CB23 albino stripe leopard gecko
CB23 Mack snow eclipse leopard gecko 
CB24 Central American banded gecko £65
CB22 lily white crested gecko male £150.00
CB23 flame crested gecko £79.99
CB23 spiny tailed monitor's (Ackie's) £180.00

Giant African train millipedes 
Thai rainbow millipedes 
Chocolate millipedes 
Bumblebee millipedes 
Olive millipedes 

Green bottle blue 6-7cm £50 each
(Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens)

Mexican fire-leg 4-6cm £65 each
(Brachypelma bohemi)

Eastern horned baboon 5-6cm £40
(Ceratogyrus darlingi)

Pygmy fire-leg 3-4cm £40
(Kochiana brunnipes)

Fort hall baboon 4-6cm £40
(Pterinchilus lugardi)

Colombian giant 3cm £40
(Megaphobema robustum)

Golden blue leg baboon 3-4cm £40
(Harpactira pulchripes)

Bahia scarlet £45
(Lasiodora klugi)


Brazilian black £45 each 
(Grammostola pulchra)

Chaco golden knee £20
(grammostola pulchripes)

Mexican red leg £25 
(brachypelma Emilia) 

Brazilian blue 2cm £20
(lasiocyano sazimai)

Boa Vista pink toe 1-2cm £40
(Avicularia sp. Boa Vista)

Yellow banded pink toe 2cm £45
(Avicularia rufa) 

Mexican red rump 2-3cm £20 
(Tlilocatl vagans)

White striped bird eater 2-3cm £20
(Vitalius chromates) 

Neon blue leg £35
(Birupes simoroxigorum)

Curly hair £12
(tliltocatl albopilosus)

Paraguay red hair £15
(nhandu carapoensis)

Borneo black £20
(lampropelma nigerrimum arboricola)

Mexican tiger rump £25
(davus pentalorus)

Panama blonde £15
(psalmopoeus pulcher)

(Jumping spiders) 

Regal £35
(Phidippus regius)

Widow £35
(Phidippus ardens)

(Praying mantis) 

Wonder £20
Cat eye £20
Giant Asian £18 each


Asian forest scorpion
(Heterometrus Silenus)

Laos black forest scorpion 
(heterometrus laoticus) 

Golden desert scorpion 
(Scorpio maurus palmatus)

Giant vinegaroon 
(mastigoproctus gigantea) 


Axolotls £30.00 each (currently unavailable)
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