Licence No. DCC/ALA/077887
(Durham country council)
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Your tropical fish shop in Durham

Fish are an ideal pet for any home. The perfect pet for young children to take care of, they also provide older ages with a pet that creates a striking ambience and tranquil atmosphere. Our Durham pet shop offers a great selection of fresh water and tropical fish, and a range of tanks to suit every home. Visit us today and discuss your needs with our dedicated staff.
 This list is subject to change.


Thai glass catfish £9.00 each
Feather fin catfish £5.99 each
Assorted male Guppy's £3.50 each 
Assorted female Guppy's £3.00 each 
Red tailed black shark's
Madagascan rainbow fish
Red rainbow fish
Yo-yo loach 
Zebra danio's
Tiger barb's
Silver shark's 
Golden sucking loach
Sucking loach
Bronze corydoras £4.00 each
Cardinal tetra £3.50 each 
X ray tetra £3.00 each 
Mixed sword tails £3.50 each 
Otto sucking catfish £6.00 each
Assorted Molly's £3.50 each
Neon tetra £2.00 each
Albino corydoras £4.00 each
Peppered corydoras £4.00 each
Glowlight tetra 
Lemon tetra
Rummy nose tetra 
Assorted gourami £6.00 each
Black widow tetra 
Boesemani rainbow £6.00 each
Assorted angelfish £6.50
Silver dollars
Red fin shark's
Golden bristlenose Plec 10.00 each
Cold water

Mixed goldfish £4.00 each 
White cloud minnows £2.00 each 
Calico orandas £6.00 each 
Black moors £6.00 each 
Red & black fantails £6.00 each 
Borneo suckers £6.50 each 
Whether loach £6.00 each 
Golden whether loach £10.00 each 
Golden Barb £3.50 each 
Sucking loach £3.50 each 
Mixed platys £3.50 each 
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